TTC - Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 1st Ed

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TTC  Great  Minds  the  Western  Intellectual  Tradition  1st  
관련 링크
  1. TTC - Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 3rd edition (360p) 3.71GB
  2. Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition 1.17GB
  3. TTC - Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition (360p) 1.94GB
  4. Grant Hardy - Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition 515.75MB
  5. Great Authors of the Western Literary Tradition 1.15GB
  6. TTC - Great Minds of the Medieval World (360p) 1.13GB
  7. The Modern Intellectual Tradition 518.68MB
  8. TTC - Great Minds of the Medieval World -sup3r edition 210.77MB
  9. Pointing Out the Great Way_ The Stages of Meditation in the Mahamudra Tradition by Daniel P. Brown EPUB 1.18MB
  10. Robert Bucholz, The Great Courses - London_ A Short History of the Greatest City in the Western World 341.14MB
파일 리스트
  1. 44 Contemporary Psychodynamic Thinking.mp4 424.04MB
  2. 05 Plato's Symposium - The Dialectic of Reason, Love and Wisdom.mp4 415.98MB
  3. 19 Hobbes' Leviathan - Of the Commonwealth.mp4 412.02MB
  4. 02 Prosocratics - Ionian Speculation and Eliatic Metaphysics.mp4 411.02MB
  5. 47 Nietzche's Perspectivalism and Critique of Philosophy.mp4 407.90MB
  6. 38 Henry David Thoreau and the Escape to Freedom.mp4 406.77MB
  7. 03 Plato's Republic - Philosophy and Blessed Life.mp4 401.33MB
  8. 39 Fyodor Dostoyevsky and the Escape from Freedom.mp4 401.30MB
  9. 23 Locke's Political Theory.mp4 398.74MB
  10. 10 Paul and the New Testament.mp4 398.57MB
  11. 42 Weber's Historical Sociology.mp4 398.22MB
  12. 21 The Newtonian Revolution.mp4 394.01MB
  13. 43 Freud's Theories of Motivation and Development.mp4 392.39MB
  14. 56 Reviewing the Western Tradition.mp4 392.37MB
  15. 57 Conclusion - Reviewing the Western Tradition II.mp4 389.31MB
  16. 08 Introduction to the Old Testament.mp4 388.22MB
  17. 35 Marx and the Problem of Alienation and Ideology.mp4 386.99MB
  18. 29 Rousseau's Dissent - The Challenge to the Idea of Progress.mp4 386.61MB
  19. 18 Hobbes' Leviathan - Of Man.mp4 385.13MB
  20. 14 More's Utopia - Reason and Social Justice.mp4 384.34MB
  21. 01 Introduction to the Problems and Scope of Philosophy.mp4 383.65MB
  22. 55 Rorty's Neo-Pragmatism.mp4 383.60MB
  23. 22 Locke's Epistemology.mp4 383.45MB
  24. 37 Mill on Liberty.mp4 383.26MB
  25. 48 James' Pragmatism.mp4 378.97MB
  26. 45 Freud and Jung on Definition and Interpretation.mp4 378.50MB
  27. 52 Habermas' Critical Theory.mp4 378.34MB
  28. 32 Burke and the Birth of Enlightened Conservatism.mp4 376.97MB
  29. 31 Kant's Moral Philosophy.mp4 375.67MB
  30. 13 Aquinas' Summa Theologica - The Thomis Synthesis and its Political and Social Content.mp4 373.65MB
  31. 06 Aristotle's Metaphysical Views.mp4 371.54MB
  32. 49 A.J. Ayer's Language, Truth and Logic.mp4 371.39MB
  33. 51 The Existential Insight - Sartre and Heidegger.mp4 370.84MB
  34. 16 Bacon's New Organon - The Call for a New Science.mp4 370.50MB
  35. 36 Marx's Historical Materialism.mp4 370.41MB
  36. 34 Hegel's Philosophy of History.mp4 369.99MB
  37. 50 The Latter Wittgenstein - The Philosophy of Language.mp4 369.83MB
  38. 07 Aristotle's Politics - The Golden Mean and Just Rule.mp4 369.00MB
  39. 26 Hume's Epistemology.mp4 367.83MB
  40. 09 Pondering Divine Justice - Do we Suffer For Nought.mp4 367.79MB
  41. 15 Machiavelli's The Prince - Political Realism, Political Science and the Renaissance.mp4 367.56MB
  42. 40 Kierkegaard's Christian Existentialism.mp4 365.46MB
  43. 11 Marcus Aurelius' Meditations - The Stoic Ideal.mp4 364.27MB
  44. 12 Augustine's City of God - Grace, Original Sin, and Theodicy.mp4 363.20MB
  45. 27 Hume's Theory of Morality.mp4 362.78MB
  46. 25 Berkeley's Idealism and the Critique of Materialism.mp4 359.87MB
  47. 41 The Darwinian Moment - The Survival of the Fittest.mp4 359.08MB
  48. 24 Montesquieu and the Beginnings of Political Science.mp4 358.82MB
  49. 30 Kant's Copernican Revolution - Epistemology and the Critique of Metaphysics.mp4 358.69MB
  50. 04 Plato's Republic - Justice and the Good Polis.mp4 355.94MB
  51. 46 Nietzche's Critique of Christianity - The Geneaology of Morals.mp4 355.27MB
  52. 17 Descartes' Epistemology and the Mind-Body Problem.mp4 348.12MB
  53. 28 Smith's Wealth of Nations.mp4 344.98MB
  54. 20 Spinoza's Ethics.mp4 336.56MB
  55. 54 Quine's Ontological Relativism and the End of Philosophy.mp4 335.03MB
  56. 53 Kuhn's Paradigm Paradigm.mp4 328.16MB
  57. 33 Naturalism and Materialism - The Boundaries of the French Enlightenment.mp4 307.31MB
  58. Guidebook 1 - Ancient Philosophy and Faith.pdf 1.65MB
  59. poster.jpg 324.12KB
  60. Guidebook 3 - The Enlightenment And Its Critics.pdf 248.46KB
  61. backdrop.jpg 247.56KB
  62. Guidebook 2 - Age of Faith to the Age of Reason.pdf 220.53KB
  63. Guidebook 4 - Philosophy in the Epoch of Ideology.pdf 199.49KB
  64. Guidebook 5 - Modernism and the Age of Analysis.pdf 198.37KB